Zac Wolf Photography - New England + Orlando Wedding Photographer

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The path I've chosen and why I'm doing it...

So it's been a week now since I've entered what many call the "real world". What I mean by this is that on May 16th I spent a day with my family and 950 of my fellow Emersonians and their respective families celebrating my graduation from college. I'm very proud to have accomplished this, and no I am not graduating with a degree in photography as many people ask me, I spent 4 years majoring in Marketing Communications and have spent the past 7 years teaching myself photography through trial and error, reading, and the help of some great friends. So some people may ask at 23 with a degree from one of the most prestigious communications school's in the country why I am not pursuing my field of study. Well that can be simply explained by a moment I had a few years ago when I was walking on the train home from a shoot and it just hit me. The feeling that this was it, I knew that the only career path that would fulfill me emotionally would be to spend my time working with others and photographing them and helping them create and capture memories that they will cherish forever. Call it a calling, call it whatever you want. But I knew at that moment and ever since that moment that this was the life for me. Even after getting several serious bumps along the road, including getting all the camera equipment I own stolen while shooting a wedding in Miami, I still never faltered to know that this was the path for me.

Also thank you to those who have supported me and continue to support me, I wouldn't be able to do this without you.

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