Anchors Up!

Triple B Records Showcase!!!

My good friend Sam runs a label called Triple B, and to commemorate the release of the America's Hardcore Compilation he put on a gig at Anchors Up! featuring some of my favorite bands playing right now. I brought along my camera and here a few shots I grabbed. United Youth

Triple B Records Band Photographer


Triple B Records Band Photographer

Stick Together Triple B Records Band Photographer

Free Spirit

Triple B Records Band Photographer

Rival Mob

Triple B Records Band Photographer

Edge Day 2008!

I made sure I was at this gig, because I missed last year's and I was even more excited about the line-up this year.  The show was a ton of fun and the whole day went off without a hitch.  All the bands were great, tons of great covers, and an Invasion surprise set (FP cover and Bust It!). Edge Day 2008Edge Day 2008Edge Day 2008Edge Day 2008Edge Day 2008Edge Day 2008Edge Day 2008Edge Day 2008Edge Day 2008Edge Day 2008


Check out the rest on Flickr here!