

I have done a bit of travelling over the past 3 weeks for a corporate gig that isn't very exciting to talk about, but what is exciting is that because of it I've seen many parts of the country that I might not have seen otherwise. San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Durham, Nashville, Orlando, Gainesville, and Tampa. I saw them all, and their airports. A LOT OF AIRPORTS. But the camera I had in my hands the most during the whole trip was my iPhone. So I ended up doing a ton of Instagramming while I was away so I figured I'd bring some of those images to my blog for those of you who do not have Instagram (and if you do follow me! ZACXWOLF)  or follow me on Twitter or have me as a friend on Facebook. So here is a quick hodge podge of some of my favorite shots from my travels over the past 3 weeks.

I really feel that the Instagram community has proven that no matter what the camera, as long as its put into the right hands, a great image can be made. There are so many amazing and inspirational photographers on there, it is by far my favorite social networking site.
