Boston Hardcore

Pull Through & BearTrap @ The Frogball Reunion

So I rolled over to The Handsome Mansion to check out the bands, and hell it turned into a really crazy basement show.  I was only able to shoot 2 of the bands due to the amount of people there and the lighting conditions, but I did take some video that I'll post as soon as I can.  Pull Through reunited for the first time since they broke up last year and BearTrap put on an awesome show before they head to Central America.

Pull Through

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Have Heart RIP. EDGE DAY 09

Edge Day 09 was Have Heart's last show.  Have Heart has been really important to me, and I am really glad I have gotten to see them as much as I have, and I am even more glad I was able to be at and photograph their final show.  Here are the photos I took. Enjoy!

Have Heart Edge Day 2009Have Heart Edge Day 2009Have Heart Edge Day 2009Have Heart Edge Day 2009Have Heart Edge Day 2009Have Heart Edge Day 2009Have Heart Edge Day 2009Have Heart Edge Day 2009Have Heart Edge Day 2009Have Heart Edge Day 2009Have Heart Edge Day 2009Have Heart Edge Day 2009Have Heart Edge Day 2009Have Heart Edge Day 2009